Hi there! I know I never mentioned a word about it…but I’ve been away in South Florida with my family on a two week vacation. Since it concerns some of my extended family members (on a safety level) if I blog our travel plans, I thought I’d honor their wishes and not write about it until after we returned. So here we are…exhausted and slightly sunburned under piles of mail. The exciting part is that we are now official home owners in Florida! For years we’ve been vacationing in the same spot, and a few months ago decided to take the big step of buying. We found a “fixer upper” for an incredible price, and the best part…it’s walking distance from our dear friends! As you might guess, decorating this new blank canvas has been a lot of fun for me so far. Every idea and inspiration that caught my eye while penning this blog is now coming to fruition. I even have an incredibly helpful pin board known as “project” for this house. It has a long way to go, but here is a sneak peek of how my beach inspired Florida home, is slowly shaping up…
Hope you were enjoying time in Palm Beach! xx
Sue, this is so exciting! Welcome to my part of town. If you're ever in Miami let me know and I'll send you a ton of restaurant/activity reccs. The place looks fab. PS my crazy grandmother completely freaked out when my home was featured on Glitter Guide so I feel you on the secrecy, haha.
how amazing! congrats on the purchase! I know you'll enjoy the adventures of a blank canvas 🙂
x kat
Welcome back! (Not blogging about your trips is not a bad idea).
And you call that a fixer upper!!!! Come on! It looks fantastic – and I can spy several lovely things from your store!
Congratulations my friend. To the whole family.
Love to you