Black Designers and Creatives To Follow On Instagram



wallpapered bathroom by Shavonda Gardner follow her on Instagram image via Shavonda Gardner Style


 Black Designers and Creatives To Follow On Instagram


The past few weeks have been profoundly sad ones for our country.

There’s so much I’m still trying to process.

I know I don’t have the right words at this time – in fact, I may never have the right words – but I am determined to be a better ally.

Small steps toward greater change.

One tiny bright spot in all of this chaos has been finding new (to me) creatives to follow and be inspired by over on Instagram.

Today I’m sharing just a few of these accounts.

I’ll be sure to share more black designers, artists and creatives going forward.

I hope you’ll join me in this small step and follow these accounts, if you aren’t already!



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Weekend Wrap Up

Happy Friday! Who doesn’t love a short week?!

Although, what is time anymore at this point?

Some days it’s hard to tell!

On the bright side, this weekend is actually a busy one for us.

My middle child “graduates” highs school on Saturday.

The class of 2020, my heart goes out to all of you.

On Sunday, my youngest turns 14.

So I guess time is still marching on, regardless…

We’ll be navigating all of these milestones in a way we’d never anticipated just a few short months ago.

Bittersweet. Yet, trying to be still be as festive and postive as possible around here!

And grateful…

Anyway…on a much lighter note, here’s a few fun links to take you into the weekend…

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Weekend Wrap Up

close up of pink peoniesClose up of peonies taken with my iPhone! no filter!


How’s it going?

Parts of the country are opening up, parts are not.

Some people are embracing social distancing as the new norm, some are not.

I’m feeling sort of ambivalent and a bit anxious over all the inconsistent information out there.

Trying my best to keep it together. I guess we all pretty much are, right?

Thankful for so many things…

All the obvious big ones – and for little, smaller comforts like fresh flowers (above) Netflix, internet, popcorn and ice cream.

And, of course the occasional cocktail!

Oh boy.

Let’s all get a bit distracted with some “fluff”, shall we?



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