Weekapaug Inn: Our Recent Stay


Ten years ago, we stayed at the old Weekapaug Inn in Rhode Island, and let’s just say, I vowed never to return and leave it at that. Fast forward to this past July 4th weekend, where we actually did return again, after learning of a twenty million dollar renovation to this establishment in 2011 (and hearing great things from some very reliable friends) and I can honestly say that the new Weekapaug Inn in Westerly, Rhode Island, is now one of my favorite summer spots…

Just like the Ocean House, where we stayed back in 2011,this hotel has been lovingly restored by Chuck Royce, the financial titan who has bought up small inns and historical landmarks along the north east coast and painstakingly recaptured the glory of each property.

The food, decor, service, location and even the weather (but for one very rainy day) were all first rate. Here’s a peek at a few of the highlights, including our cozy room which had my favorite Red Flower soaps and toiletries throughout (the orange blossom is amazing) the lobby decor and one of several  enchanting fireplaces…even the parking lot was charming as seen below!

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Bloom Where You’re Planted



I came across the quote “Bloom where you’re planted.” a few weeks ago, and it really resonated with me. I

‘m sure there’s several different ways to interpret this, but for me, it means appreciate your life as it is, today.

Lately, I’ve found myself getting caught up in the “my life would be perfect, if I _______” way of thinking.

You could fill in the blank with so many thoughts…

“My life would be perfect if I lost ten pounds, lived in that house, drove that car, got that job” we’ve all had those moments where we find ourselves longing for a different situation than the one we’re in.

Scrolling through  Instagram and seeing so many beautiful beaches and European cities, it’s easy to get caught up in this type of longing. 

So I’ve decided to change up my perspective a bit and make a conscious effort to look for the beauty in my everyday life (on my way to school pick up or an errand, or even my own back yard). 

I hope you enjoy these scenic pics of the charming suburban towns in my little neck of the woods, if you like this idea, share something from your own neighborhood and tag me (@zhush) I’d love to see where you’re blooming!

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Style Stalking: Alexandra Kaehler Designs


Alexandra Kaehler Designs


December is here and so is my last style stalk for 2013.

It seems I’ve saved the best for last. 

I’m pretty sure I’ve been following Alexandra Kaehler‘s design career since day one. 

I first found Alex through her stylish blog, Things That Sparkle, which is now known as AK Studio

It was here that we first got a sense of Alex’s warm personality and fabulous taste. 

After some time, Alex set up shop in Chicago with her own design studio and in the truest sense of style stalking, I’ve been quietly watching Alex’s interiors transform into the chic and wonderful spaces they are today. 

Here’s a small sampling of some of my favorites, (I’m such a fan of Alex’s work, it was hard to choose) I recommend checking out the whole portfolio here.

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