Shooting Stars

My house is star studded (as captured recently with instagram). It’s not like we intentionally set out to have stars in all shapes, forms and sizes in our home, these were just accumulated over time. It seems like a lot when grouped together here, but in real life it’s really quite subtle. My love for this shape even extends right into jewelry and clothing as well! Do you have any running themes or motifs in your home or wardrobe? If so, please share!

Still Preoccupied With 1985

Flipping through Veranda magazine the other day, I came upon this image by sister design team, Kirsten Kelli. The Keith Haring artwork here, immediately took me back to the mid-eighties, and more significantly, a prized swatch watch that I had proudly worn then. Beyond bummed that I literally have no idea what happened to this watch, as I would love to see it again. A fervent online search revealed only this version, mine was bright red, but this is pretty close. Like a Proustian Madeleine, I was instantly transported back to this decade, which now in hindsight seems like one giant John Hughes film. Do any design elements ever make you feel nostalgic?