Meet the Locals

The town I live in, Pound Ridge, New York, has a population of roughly 4,700 people.
Think Andy Griffith in Mayberry, or, if you were born after 1975, think Dawson’s Creek.

Located only 45 miles outside of New York City, our quiet rural town is a world apart…

Why am I telling you this? Simply to illustrate my complete and total surprise, when on a whim, I sent an email to The Buzz Blog at Diane James Home – just a friendly gesture to let them know I had linked to their site, (on a post I had written on wallpapered furniture.)

Long story short, when the author of The Buzz emailed me back, to let me know she had read my post, we got quite the shock. We both live in Pound Ridge, the same tiny town! Through the magic of the internet (Facebook) we soon  discovered we even had a common friend! Amazing coincidence?

Several e-mails later, I found myself inside the Diane James Home “plant” (so to speak).

{Diane James Home Headquarters}

For those not familiar with Diane James Home, they are a home decor accessory company, known for lifelike floral arrangements and orchid plants. Diane James’ arrangements are the secret “non-wilting” weapon of many top tier designers, such as Michael Smith, Barbara Barry and Mario Buatta,
just to name a few!

Carolyn James McDonough (the author behind The Buzz Blog) along with her twin sister, Cynthia James Matrullo, help their mother, Diane James, run this amazing company.

I snapped a few pictures of these beautiful arrangements.

Carolyn was kind enough to tour me around the Diane James Home production line. I got to see all the tricks and secrets for making the most lifelike arrangements.

I think the best part for me, was seeing the inspiration boards used for the latest collections.

Not to mention meeting these two amazing ladies!

 {Carolyn James McDonough, me, Cynthia James Matrullo}
Thanks for such a fun day!
To see more of Diane James Home products
you can visit Neiman Marcus, Bergdorf Goodman or
just click over to the Diane James Home online shop.

I Just Haven’t Met You Yet

Just back from one of my least favorite activities…

bathing suit shopping.

Next week, we are heading south for a much needed family vacation.

My swim suits are tired and worn. I really need a new one.

However, I have come home empty handed…
I can’t seem to find anything that flatters and fits right.
This must be what Michael Buble was singing about on the
radio while I was driving home…right?

{feel free to sing a long in your head with me}

I’m not surprised, not everything lasts,
I’ve broken my heart so many times,
I stop keeping track
Talk myself in

I talk myself out
I get all worked up

And then I let myself down

I tried so very hard not to lose it.

I came up with a million excuses

I thought of every possibility,

but, I just haven’t met you yet.

And I know someday that it’ll all turn out

 You’ll make me work so we can work to work it out

And I promise you kid
That I’ll give you so much more
than I get

I just haven’t met you yet

I might have to wait
I’ll never give up

 I guess it’s half timing
And the other half’s luck

Wherever you are
Whenever it’s right

 You’ll come out of nowhere
and into my life

I just haven’t met you yet!

{In this twisted relationship “its not you, it’s me”!}

Oh, please…flattering bathing suit, come find me!

images via:;NancyMeyers;JCrew;googleimages


Obsession Du Jour: Wallpapered Furniture

The other night, while searching for something entirely unrelated,  I came 
across the most amazing thing:
 Wallpapered Furniture!
This literally made my heart skip a beat. I have only slightly begun to talk about my love of wallpaper here.  But, trust me when I tell you, there are some wallpapers that I literally just dream about, even though I have run out of walls.
And that is precisely why I was so excited to come across the Bryonie Porter website. Based out of England, this charming company specializes in wallpapering furniture. Take a look at some of their adorable creations:



It was this last one, that really sent me over the moon. I have an old vanity, in need of some TLC, and I have been completely infatuated with Osbourne & Little’s gold Asuka print, for quite some time.
It caught my eye when Kate Spade used it in her ad campaign:
And, then again, when the New York Post did a feature spread on the apartment 
of Michelle Smith of Milly.
The appeal of this wallpaper lies in the nostalgic vibe it gives off, while still remaining thoroughly fresh and modern. Ironically enough, just like the Kate Spade and Milly fashion labels.


I loved it here too, when Palmer Weiss used it in this powder room. Many blogs have covered this,  but I first spotted it here, on the Diane James Home site, when I was naturally looking for something else…entirely unrelated!
images via: BryoniePorter via TrendHunter; googleimage; NYPost; DianeJamesHome.