How To Make A Small Bathroom Look Bigger

A top home improvement question around here:

How to make a small bathroom look and feel larger?

This post was firsts published in early 2020, but since then I’ve gone back and updated a few of these ideas…

how to make a small bathroom look biggerImage from our beach house remodel.

How To Make a Small Bathroom Look Bigger

At one point or another, you’ve probably had a home with a very small bathroom.

This is an incredibly common pain point for most homeowners.

It’s likely that your home has at least one bathroom that feels like a small cupboard.

But that doesn’t have to be the case!

There are a few easy ways you can make a small bathroom look and feel so much bigger.

The best part?

These strategies and design tricks can easily be applied to other areas in your home as well.

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Weekend Wrap Up

Happy Friday!

beautiful green house plantsimage via

So…I just had to sit on hold with a customer service rep for our HVAC (loooong annoying story) and I decided to go through my aps and subscriptions on my phone.

I cancelled all the ones I wasn’t using anymore… SUCH a great feeling!

Just a little reminder in case you need to do the same:)

And now, here’s this week’s round up of links…

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How To Organize Important Paperwork and Documents at Home

How to organize important paperwork is a question I actually ask myself from time to time.

With tax season right around the corner (and a stack of tax documents I need to organize staring me in the face) I thought I’d revisit this popular post from last year.

So today I’ve turned to my favorite organizational expert for some guidance and peace of mind on the best way to organize these essential documents.

How To Organize Important Paperwork Documents At Home

How To Organize Important Paperwork and Documents at Home

This question of how to organize important paperwork and documents at home comes up a lot around here.

Personally, I’m lucky to have Emily Maiocco of Next Level Organizing help me with this daunting task.

So, naturally, I took this query straight to Emily in order to get her professional insights to share here today…

Here’s Emily!

What to keep, how long to keep it, where to keep it… it can all seem a little overwhelming at times, not to mention boring.

While paper organization can be a real snooze-fest, the physical and mental space you’ll create after thoughtfully putting the right system in place will make it all worth it!

No need to wait for the new year or a spring cleaning, the best time to tackle your paperwork is now.

As a residential organizer, I’ve been organizing clients’ paperwork for over 12 years.

Over the years I’ve learned there’s more than one correct way to organize your important paperwork.

However, there’s some general standards to consider as you figure out what’s right for you.

Finding your paperwork flow develops over time and will change as your space and needs change.

I’m going to walk you through three large paperwork topics and try to break them down for you.

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