Coming Soon…

Hi! Happy Thursday! I’m popping in today for a quick status update. Tomorrow, if all goes well, I’ll have a brand new zhush blog! Crossing fingers and toes this transition will be super smooth and all you’ll notice is a new look. Behind the scenes I’m switching things up with a new platform (and hopefully my old brain can handle it!)

Until then, I’ve put together a private Facebook page – called Zhush Design Secrets!  It’s different from the Facebook Zhush blog page, in that I’m hoping to create a community for like minded interior design enthusiasts. A place where you can share you favorite ideas and resources and also get answers to questions you might have. I get a lot of questions each week about design, I always try my best to answer them, but a community of design enthusiasts would ensure the best answers…don’t you think? Anyway, hope to see you over there!

And, please, please, please send me your feedback on the new site once it’s up! Thanks!!!

Weekend Wrap Up

Happy Friday! Like most people I know, we’ve all had ENOUGH of this severe, crazy late winter weather. Spring can not get here soon enough! Luckily we have a few warm weather trips coming up. Fingers crossed our flights don’t get cancelled next week…until then I’ll be packing and checking all the weather apps!
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