
Thankful to be on the other side of hurricane Sandy. While this super storm has knocked out our power and our phones and even our trusty generator of ten years, (which we are still hoping to have repaired by hopefully, tomorrow) we are all safe and sound with little, to no property damage. Feeling very grateful (even if I do have to remind myself several times a day, while we are all cooped up here together). It could have been a lot worse. 

Tonight we will dine by candlelight again. Although it will not be even half as glam as this photo from Style Me Pretty suggests, it will be alright. It will be cozy and we’ll all be together. It might be some time before our little town can untangle from this mess and power gets turned on again, but after hearing stories from friends and news reports of true devastation in the wake of Sandy, its hard to feel anything but relief. I hope you are all safe and sound. For more information about donating to the Red Cross Hurricane relief fund, please click here.

Nervous Energy

I was first going to give this post the title “calm before the storm”…but truthfully, after reading and listening to all the news and weather updates related to Hurricane Sandy, right now, there is nothing calm about my mood. We’ve secured all the outdoor furniture, potted plants and urns, gassed up the cars, shopped for food, charged up our iEverythings and I’ve now cleaned every surface in the house at least twice. Extreme weather makes me very anxious and I know from my twitter and facebook feeds, I’m not alone. Schools here in the tri-state New York area have already decided to close Monday and Tuesday. It’s probably safe to assume we will not have power, possibly for as long as a week…it’s happened before.

So, if this blog goes silent for a while, chances are we are all hunkering down in the basement, where I’ll most likely be eating my weight in fun-sized Snickers. Our basement is thankfully finished and comfortable. We have a generator that powers the bare minimum, making the house habitable and safe. I’m really just worried about property damage, my kids’ Halloween being ruined (again) and the inconvenience of children home from school with no cable or internet (needed to run my business)…first world problems, all of them, to be sure.

Fingers crossed that this storm either dies down or doesn’t live up to all the hype. Stay safe everyone!

Image 1 via StyleMePretty Image 2 + 3 via TheChive

Zhushing With Kevin Sharkey

Last week I was thrilled and honored to be a guest on Kevin Sharkey’s Home Design show on the Martha Stewart channel over on Sirius Radio. In case you didn’t get a chance to hear it, Kevin was kind enough to post a brief interview that we did in connection with the radio appearance, over on his site. Even kinder, you don’t hear any New Yawk tawk or umms and “likes” in my written answers, not that I, umm, really tawk that way in my, like, real life…