Great Father’s Day Gift Ideas 2024

Let’s talk about some great Father’s Day Gift Ideas.

Marathon Watch Panasonic Beard Trimmer | Apple Air Pods Maxi | Gaming Desktop Speakers | Dock Sunglasses

collage of father's day gift ideashammock  |  golfer smart watch  |  counter top nugget ice maker  |  leather travel pouch

monogram leather cigar holderpersonalized cigar case and cutter holder

20 Great Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Father’s Day gifts are at the top of my “To Do” list today.

As I’m sure you’re already aware, Father’s Day is coming up!

This year it falls on Sunday, June 16th.

Dads can be so hard to shop for, don’t you think?

So, hopefully this gift guide will give you some great ideas.


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Beadboard Bathroom Ideas: How To Use This In Your Home

If you’re looking for some ideas and inspiration on how to add beadboard to a bathroom, today’s blog post is for you.

In case you’re not already familiar, beadboard is a type of wainscoting or decorative panel look.

I’ve got a whole post dedicated to stunning wainscoting ideas, but today we’re just going to focus on more traditional bead board design.

In fact, we’re going to narrow it down even further to only the use of beadboard in bathroom designs and the visual appeal this particular design decision can offer.

wallpaper in bathroom from Serena and Lily site for designer looks
White beadboard wainscoting bathroom wall featuring this decorative element behind the tub.

Beadboard Bathroom Ideas

An interior design world favorite, beadboard panels are traditionally made up of wood paneling with vertical lines known as tongue and groove slats.

These days, you can buy durable beadboards at most home ware stores.

They even come in array of different cost saving, yet durable materials such as medium-density fiberboard (mdf) and vinyl beadboard.

Any enthusiastic DIY-er will find a diy beadboard bathroom pretty easy to install. 

Today I’ll be showing you a few examples from my own home.

Powder Room and Bathroom Wainscoting Ideas

Bathroom beadboard paneling can be a great wall treatment to add to your interior design, no matter your taste.

Typically this look goes up to a chair rail height, but you can always get creative and go up even higher.

I also think bead board on the ceiling is almost always a great idea!

It’s such an easy way to add a lot of personality to a room.

In fact, you can even get really bold and do an entire room.

This is an inexpensive yet sophisticated way to add some visual interest to your empty bathroom walls. 

So here are a few great ideas to consider if you’re thinking of adding some beadboards to your bathroom: 

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