How To Pick The Best Ceiling Paint

What’s the best ceiling paint?

How do I go about picking it and what’s the best choice?

Should we use a darker color or go with a lighter color?

This post on the best paint to use on your ceiling first appeared here a few years ago.

I’ve recently gone back and added a lot more relevant and helpful info when it comes to picking the best option for your ceiling.

In this post I’ve broken down some tried and true ceiling paints you might want to consider for your own project.

I’ve also incorporated the top questions (and of course answers) I get asked about ceiling colors.

white is the best ceiling paint on family room coffered ceiling

How To Pick The Best Ceiling Paint

What color should I paint the ceiling?

I’ve been getting this question a lot lately.

So, I thought I’d address it again here today!

Choosing the right ceiling paint color can be very tricky.

In the home improvement world, this topic doesn’t seem to get discussed enough.

But since I often get so many questions about ceiling paint colors, I’m more than happy to write about them here today.

When I picked the colors for our ceilings in my home, I looked at probably hundreds of photos and paint swatches to find the best ceiling paint for the different rooms in my house.

It was overwhelming how many choices there were!

Looking back there were too many options, and I didn’t need to spend my time on all of them.

I’m here to tell you you don’t need to look at a lot of different options and you don’t need to make yourself crazy over this.

So many of the questions I receive are concerns over wall paint colors.

Then the very next thing people want to know is “what color should we paint the ceiling?”

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Holiday Gift Guide: The Best Hostess Gifts and Gifts for the Home

On the one hand, it feels a little early to be talking about holiday hostess gifts and gifts for the home.

But, on the other hand, we already received one holiday invite in the mail this week!

Putting this event on the calendar forced me to realize that there are less than six weekends until both Christmas eve and Chanukah!

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Christmas M&M Brownies – An Easy and Quick Recipe

You’re going to love these delicious, fudgie Christmas brownies.

The perfect dessert for the holiday season, these Christmas brownies with m&ms take only a half an hour to make.

finished Christmas m&m brownies on a plate

These m&m fudge brownies make a great gift.

Also, these sweet treats are the best thing to bring to a holiday party, cookie exchange, or bake sale.

My whole family always looks forward to these Christmas m&m brownies.

Hope you enjoy this easy recipe.

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