Weekend Wrap Up

weekend readings

Happy Friday!

Will you be celebrating Halloween this weekend?

Our only plans are some horror movies (for my son) and some traditional bite size candy for all of us, and I think that’s all we’re really doing around here.

In other news, yesterday marked the eleventh anniversary of this blog!

Eleven years seems crazy to me.

Anyway, I really love this gig and I’m so grateful to have an audience.

Thank you!

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Weekend Wrap Up

The foliage here in Connecticut is really starting to turn.

Hopefully the sun will come out this weekend so we can all get out and enjoy the scenery.

If not, I’ve got a long “to do” list of house projects.

Nothing exciting, just some over due closet clean outs and organizational things.

One thing which is exciting… (how’s that for a smooth segue?;)

If you missed my announcement on Instagram, I’ve got a new role as the Home editor of the new Bedford New Canaan Magazine!

The New York Post gave us a very positive shout out this week, which was pretty exciting.

Here’s the Instagram account for Bedford New Canaan Magazine if you’d like to follow.

Now on to this week’s round up of links….

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