Hotel Recaimer in Paris

I think where you stay on a trip can either make or break your travel experience. If you’re like me, cleanliness, quietness, location, great service and a really chic atmosphere are all pretty important qualities in a hotel (and pretty much in that order). The Hotel Recaimer exceeded my expectations on all levels!

I’m putting together a post highlighting the best of what we did in Paris. I was going to include the beautiful hotel that I stayed in with that
post, but Hotel Recaimer was so special, especially for a interiors
enthusiast like myself, that I decided to give it it’s own post here today.

Hotel Recaimer, as the hotels site describes it “has been recognized as an establishment where the feeling you get when you walk in is one of quiet luxury.” I couldn’t agree with this statement more.
Located in the beautiful neighborhood of St. Germain des Pres, in the very same square as St. Sulpice (famous from The Davinci Code and one of the largest churches in Paris) we were able to walk to the picture perfect Luxembourg Gardens and dozens of beautiful shops and cafes.

The entire hotel was designed by Jean Lois Denoit, a well known French architect and interior designer – and I’m now officially obsessed with his work! I’ve included a few photos of the room I stayed in, along with some of the interior details (light switches and door knobs) that captured my attention in the best way possible.

My chic home away from home in Paris and some of the wonderful little decor details. The last image is a shot of the area, showing just a bit of the magnificent St. Sulpice, which was literally right outside the beautiful French door windows….le sigh.

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Blogger Home Tours: Kristy Wicks

view of Kristy Wicks kitchen island

It’s been a lot of fun sharing some of my blog friend’s homes with you.

So far we’ve gotten some great tours from Elizabeth of Pretty Pink Tulips,Tina of The Enchanted Home, Annie of Most Lovely Things and, Jessica of My Style Vita.

These are a lot of fun to write and put together, especially since I’ve known all of these ladies for year.

Today’s tour is a new friend of mine, Kristy Wicks from the blog, Kristy Wicks.

Unlike the prior blogger homes I’ve shared here, Kristy Wicks is the first blogger that I haven’t met in person.

We actually know each other through Instagram!

Despite the fact that Kristy lives in California and I’m here in Connecticut, it wasn’t long after becoming Instagram friends that we discovered we actually have mutual real life friends!

Turns out Kristy is originally an east coast girl.

I love a small world story just as much as I adore Kristy’s sun lit California spaces.

Thanks for sharing your lovely home here today Kristy!

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One Room Challenge: Week Three

inspiration image via Barlow Reid Design

It’s week three of the ORC and other than the arrival of the new dryer from last week, there’s been no actual progress to show you, still just inspiration images like the one above.

But, there’s been a lot of “behind the scenes” progress in that more important decisions were made and more measurements taken by the contractors.

It was critical to get the wallpaper order in first, because that usually has the longest lead time.

But, it was equally important to get the counter tops picked out as well. Especially since the counters will need to go in first, before the wallpaper goes up.

I was a little back and forth on whether or not to go with white or black counters, but eventually elected to go with all white. It’s a laundry room, there’s bleach involved, but also I’m drawn to laundry rooms with a lot of white in them.

Luckily, there’s a local stone and marble store in town, and I was able to quickly pick out an all white Ceaserstone counter top in Pure White.

This was my first choice for it’s practicality in a laundry room and was also the most inexpensive option. While I was there, I decided to also go with white subway tile for the back splashes above the counters to break up the moody wallpaper.

I love the clean and classic look of subway tiles and it’s relatively inexpensive. I’ve been reassured several times that there’s no lead time here. Counters and tile have been ordered!

Everything has been measured and the guys are coming tomorrow to remove the old counters and start installing the new ones.

They estimate about two to three days for this. They were planning on coming yesterday, but I’m currently in Paris (since the weekend) and would rather lose a day and be there to over see everything in person.

Even though we’re half way through this six week challenge and there’s been very little actual progress in the room itself, I’m feeling pretty good about the timing here.

As to how this will all actually look when it comes together remains to be seen. That’s where my confidence is wavering…


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