One Room Challenge: Week Five

Here we are at week five, it’s almost the end of the one room challenge. 

Remember what this kitchen used to look like? On the one hand, it’s come a long way baby…on the other, there’s just one week left and there’s still a lot to do.

What I didn’t factor in was how much the stress of packing up our lives was going to wear on me…we move on November 7th. I also didn’t factor in that this kitchen really needed to be done sooner than the November 5th deadline, because it still needs to be scrubbed clean, staged,zhushed, furnished and photographed. And, that’s not even factoring in the other things that still need to be finished. But like a I hinted on Instagram earlier this week, I’m trying to stay positive with my “first world problems” here (#glasshalffull) Or, in this case, half the cabinets still missing handles is better than all the cabinets missing hardware, right!?

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One Room Challenge: Week Four


Welcome to week four of the one room challenge. (What’s the one room challenge? Click here, here and here for everything you’ve missed so far.) The biggest thing to happen this week is the chevron glass tile back splash. I LOVE how this looks, I would love it more if it there was grout to go with it. At least there’s a grout decision: white…so that’s something.
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One Room Challenge: Week Three

It’s the third week of the One Room Challenge (here’s week one and week two) or as I like to keep telling myself, it’s the half way mark! I’m renovating the kitchen in the house that we’ll be moving into and just to add to the drama, our big move is happening right around the same time this challenge wraps…(The kitchen is actually one of several rooms being renovated, you can see progress on those via my Instagram account @zhush.)

The biggest news this week: the marble was installed! And, the cabinets were painted! Also, the carved legs on the center island were removed, making the island feel a lot more modern, and finally the glass doors were modernized as well.

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