If Your Lipstick Could Talk

lipstick shapes and personality test

A funny lipstick “shapes” and personality test


Last week, at a friend’s birthday dinner, a bunch of us started talking about the shape our favorite lipsticks take after using them for awhile. 

It all started after I pulled out my beloved YSL lip balm, (mostly to ease my chapped lips, but maybe also to show it off a bit…I’m pretty obsessed with it). 

At some point, another friend remarked that her lipstick took on the same odd shape as mine, and then we were trying to remember what exactly that “meant.”

In the name of a fun (and in our case, overdue) girl’s night out, I promised to post the shapes and the meanings if I found them. 

So, which one are YOU?

PS: Actual makeup and beauty recs here!

Favorite Room


Today I’m over at La Dolce Vita, talking about my “Favorite Room” but, before you head on over (spoiler alert: it’s my living room) I just wanted to mention ~ re-visiting these images from last year reminded me that I always meant to share that THIS, is what the living room really looks (as snapped by my i-Phone, yesterday). Some of the props and things that show up in the magazine photos are not only not my own…but not even my taste! That being said, I was so grateful to have a national magazine even remotely interested in being here, that I just rolled with it.*


Can you spot all the differences between the two photos. Hint: Isn’t photo shop amazing?

*but, should this little corner of the internet ever go
viral, you can be sure that I will be a total diva, and insist that my
vintage French lamp stays in the picture and that I’m served only pink champagne and purple
m+ms, on a silver tray:).

My Kitchen Dilemma


There’s nothing like being cooped up in your house for several days (thank you, Nemo) to make you want to re-consider the style and design of almost every aspect of your space. Above is a photo I snapped of my kitchen cabinets, while snowed in last Friday. Notice the painted blue bead board backs? I’ve also included the 2005 cover of Martha Stewart Living that inspired me to go blue with the cabinets in the first place (beyond crazy that I still have that!)  Now, seven years later…I think I’m over this look. Since we’re having the entire adjoining family room professionally painted next month (this room has not seen fresh paint in 12 years and the walls are literally crumbling) I thought now might be the perfect time to paint the back of the open cabinets 1.white 2. a soft blue gray 3. mirrors? 4. leave them alone. After staring at thousands of white kitchens on pinterest for the past few days to help speed this decision along…I’m really leaning towards the all white clean look. Since I’m clearly influenced by pretty kitchen photos…I’ve included my favorite “all white” kitchen images here. Please feel free to weigh in!
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