Our Beach House Renovation: A few more recent updates with before and afters

beach house renovation project updates

Beach House Renovation Project Updates:


We’re finally making some real progress on our beach house renovation! It’s so exciting to see our vision come together after all this time.

The most noticeable improvement right now is in the main room. As you can see (above)  the book case and brick wall have been painted white. The brick still needs another coat of white paint. It’s Benjamin Moore OC – 151 White. This post has a lot more beautiful white interior paint colors if you’re on the hunt. The fireplace will be painted black inside, but I feel like you can now get the gist of this.

I’ve included a few before photos below as well.

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A Fun Announcement!

New Canaan Cares Home Tour

image via my Instagram

The New Canaan Cares Home Tour!


The 27th annual New Canaan Cares Home Tour will be taking place next month. I’m excited to announce our home will be part of this year’s tour!

If you’re local than you probably already know what a great organization New Canaan Cares is! I feel so lucky to have such a supportive program right here in our town. So when we were approached a few months ago to be part of this year’s fund raising home tour on May 16th, we were more than happy to oblige.

For those unfamiliar with the work New Canaan Cares does, in short it is an independent, non-profit community organization whose purpose is to advance the health and well-being of youth and families. New Canaan Cares provides responsive educational programs that support and strengthen parenting skills, positive youth development, and healthy lifestyles – free-of-charge.

The Home Tour is CARES’ major fundraising event with 100% of its proceeds directly supporting youth leadership programs, parent workshops and health and wellness programs for the whole community. By purchasing a ticket, you will help New Canaan Cares to continue offering these innovative presentations free of charge!

Click here to learn more about the tour and to purchase tickets.


PS: If you’re unable to make the tour, you can see more of our home here and here!


A Personal Note-

“losing love
Is like a window in your heart
Everybody sees you’re blown apart
Everybody sees the wind blow”

-lyrics from Graceland / Paul Simon


My father- my dad, passed away peacefully yesterday morning at the age of 90. It feels a bit weird to announce something so deeply personal here. But, this loss felt too big for me not to honor it.

Years ago, when I first started this blog, my dad (at the age of 80) was one of my first loyal readers. I remember seeing his photo in my Google reader follower count and getting such a kick out of how up to date he was with technology. I think he got a kick out the fact that I was finally getting back to my “design roots” – he was a graphic designer and an art director, back in the Mad Men days of advertising.

Anyway, I don’t tend to get too personal with stuff here. I like to keep it mostly, if not all – design and style related. NOT because I’m trying to fool anyone into thinking my life is picture perfect. Rather, it’s because talking about aesthetics and fashion, interior design, etc. can be such a great distraction from most of life’s challenges. At least it is for me. Which, at the end of the day is why I’ll probably be back to regular blogging and social media sooner than later. I’m going to need this…

